
JPX International provides Personal Protection Training to civilians through our Virtual Online Training Platform. After initial training is completed, you will receive a certificate that is valid for two years.

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At a moment’s notice, you or your family could find yourselves in a situation where the threat of physical injury or death is imminent. Because of this, JPX International continues to find new initiative tools and tactics when dealing with passive or combative assailants within our society. At some point in time, you have or will encounter a combative subject and will have to make a decision on defending yourself or your family. During our training, we will introduce a tool that will assist you in these situations and minimize threat and injury to all parties involved allowing you to make it home safe.

Instructional Objectives

1. Be able to correctly define Less-Lethal.
2. Be able to explain what is OC.
3. Be able to list the different types of OC Systems.
4. Be able to demonstrate the proper operation and carry of the JPX
Jet Protector Less-Lethal Device.
5. Be able to identify proper target areas.
6. Case Law and Legal Liabilities.
7. Be able to conduct proper decontamination.
8. Proper Maintenance and Cleaning.
9. State and Local Laws.
10. Self Defense Demonstrations.

Civilian Personal Protection Online Course
$89.00 Per User

Group rates for citizens are also available.


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